Hypsugo – Bulletin for bat research of Balkans (published by: Centre for Karst and Speleology, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Wildlife Conservation Society Mustela, Serbia; Montenegrin Ecologists Society, Montenegro) accepts all types of manuscripts (articles, short communications, field notes) presenting results of bat research, as well as announcements and reports from symposiums, workshops etc., original reviews of books and equipment, bibliographies, biographies, obituaries etc., related to bats in Balkans.

The full manuscript should be sent directly to the address: hypsugo@centarzakrs.ba, in required format, along with good quality figures (photographs). Manuscripts must be prepared very carefully according to the rules below, while final correction could be done only by the Editorial of the Bulletin. Only correct and complete manuscripts will be accepted. At least one reviewer will be assigned to every manuscript. Reviewer(s) will give an opinion on its quality and/or possibly indicate any improvement or amendments needed. In this case the corresponding author will be informed by the Editorial.

The forms and structure should be as follows:

Form. All the manuscripts should be written in MS Word 2000 using Times New Roman font, size 11, indention left 0, right 0 spacing before 0 pt and spacing after 6 pt, line spacing Single, alignment Justified. All the text should be prepared using A4 paper size and leaving 2.5 cm margins on all sides.

Language. The manuscript should be written in a good quality local language (all linguistic standards are accepted – Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian, but chosen one should be strictly followed). Manuscripts in English are acceptable as well. Only in Field Note other languages, i.e. author’s native language, is also acceptable. Authors for whom local or English language is a second language are advised to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission. In any case, the authors themselves are responsible for linguistic correctness of the text, in both local and English language.

Script: Latin or Cyrillic alphabet appropriate for the chosen linguistic standard / language, using corresponding Windows keyboard / language settings. Scientific names should always be written in Latin script using English Windows keyboard / language settings.

Title should be written in using bold font style of size 14 and align to left, in both English and local language.

Authors’ name(s) and addresses: Full names of the author(s) should be given in a single paragraph following the title, separated by commas. Addresses of at least one of the authors should be adequate for postal and e-mail communication. Examples:

Primož Presetnik1, Branko Karapandža2, Jasminko Mulaomerović3

1 Center za kartografijo favne in flore (Slovenija), e-mail: primoz.presetnik@ckff.si

2 Fauna C&M, Zemunska 19, Novi Banovci (Srbija), e-mail: fauna.cm@gmail.com; Drušvo za očuvanje divljih životinja Mustela, Njegoševa 51, Beograd (Srbija)

3 Centar za krš i speleologiju (Bosna i Hercegovina), e-mail: jasminko@centarzakrs.ba

Abstract should be written using font size 10, in English and in local language, subtitled Abstract and Sažetak accordingly in a separate paragraph using bold font style.

Key words should also be in English and in local language using font size 10, just below the abstract in corresponding language, in a single paragraph, separated by commas, as in an example:

Key words: Chiroptera, hibernacula, monitoring, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ključne riječi: Chiroptera, zimska skloništa, monitoring, Bosna i Hercegovina

Main text of the original article should generally be arranged according to following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References written as a separate paragraphs using bold font style

However, shorter papers are also accepted, following given instructions in all the other aspects, in a form of:

  1. Short Communication: summarised in less than two pure text pages, without headings, but with the title, abstract and key words, tables and figures.
  2. Field Note: It should be written in English language and in parallel with local or other authors’ native language, with 350 words at most, with maximum one or two figures, reporting a record of species, giving date, precisely defined site (with geographic coordinates whenever possible, using WGS84 datum exclusively), number of individuals (of all reported species), and possibly also other data on the record (sex, age, measurements, ring number, museum collector/inventory number etc.) as well as circumstances of the finding. Title should be as follows: species’ scientific name (if more than two or three species are reported, only »Chiroptera« should be written), date, site name and country name. Example:

Myotis daubentonii, 6. 6. 2014, cave Strikina pećina, Bosna and Hercegovina

Scientific names of species should be written in italic style. They should be in brackets when first encountered in the text following their local/English names. In the tables scientific name should be used, while use of local/English names is optional. Examples:

  1. a) In the title: »Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii) – new bat (Chiroptera) species on the Bosnia and Herzegovina check list«
  2. b) In the text: »Daytime survey of the Strikina pećina cave found 5 Lesser horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) and a single Schreibers’ bent-winged bat (Miniopterus schreibersii).«

Tables and figures (illustrations and photographs) should not exceed the printed page size (13 cm x 18 cm) and they must be of good quality. They have to have a title and explanation both in local and English language. Title should be written in regular style size 10 centred. All explanations of tables and figures should be written in a regular style of size 10, centred. Examples:

Table 1. Species, measurements and other observations of measured bats in Strikina pećina cave .

(AB – length of the fore arm, m – mass)

Tabela 1. Vrste, mjerenja i ostale napomene o šišmišima izmjerenim u Strikinoj pećini.

(AB – dužina podlaktice, m – masa)

Figure 1. Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii).

Slika 1. Vodeni šišmiš (Myotis daubentonii).

(photo/foto: Jasmin Pašić)

If figures themselves contain legend and explanation those should be well-legible, black and white, in both local and English language. All figures should be submitted electronically as separated files along with the manuscript, with resolution 300 dpi or more (when width set at 13 cm). The main text of the manuscript should only contain the titles of the figures, placed at the preferred position within the text (though this may be changed in final layout due to graphical reasons, e.g. so that the table that fits a single page would not be broken across two pages).

Text in the tables should be written in size 10. The text in the title row(s) should be written in Bold Font style, both in local and in English language. Example:

Reference cited in the text should follow this format: name of the author, names of two authors or the name of the first one of several authors. Examples:

Bolkay (1924), Đulić & Mirić (1967), Pašić et al. (2013) ­ when author(s) name(s) fit(s) the sentence or, otherwise, the whole of the reference(s) citation(s) should be in the brackets (Bolkay 1924, Đulić & Mirić 1967, Pašić et al. 2013).

All the references cited in the text and only those cited in the text should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetic order corresponding the language of the main text and in the order of the publication year. The list of references should be written in regular stile, font size 10 and contain the names of all the authors, the complete journal or book title, publisher name, number of pages etc. written according to the following examples:

Bolkay S. J., 1924. Catalogue of the mammals occurring in Bosnia-Hercegovina and preserved in the Land-museum in Sarajevo. Biologica hungarica 1(2): 1–7.

Đulić B., Đ. Mirić, 1967. Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae, IV/4: Mammalia. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 46 str.

Pašić J., J. Mulaomerović, P. Presetnik, 2013. Rezultati pregleda potencijalnih zimskih skloništa šišmiša u Bosni i Hercegovini u zimu 2012/13. Naš krš, Sarajevo XXXIII(46), Supplementum 1 – Bilten radne grupe za zaštitu šišmiša: 23–34.

Kovač D., N. Fressel, 2011. Istraživanje faune šišmiša u NP Paklenica s posebnim naglaskom na visinsku raspodjelu. U: Čolić, L., S. Kapelj (ur.) Zbornik istraživačkih radova – Nacionalni park Paklenica 2008., Udruga studenata biologije – “BIUS”, Zagreb: 186–221.

Bočić N., 2014. Jama Olimp. Hrvatski speleološki poslužitelj. < http://speleologija.eu/olimp/index.htm> [16.12.2015.]

Updated: 22.05.2019.